Check In & Check Out

  • Updated

To maintain data security & enable offline work, a check in & check out process is used in Ecobot surveys. 

Check out a survey in order to add or edit its data, and then check it back in when you're finished to save the data to the cloud. See sections below for more information on how to manage surveys with check in and check out in Ecobot Collector (the mobile app) and Ecobot Manager (the web-based dashboard).


Check In & Check Out on Ecobot Collector

When viewing your list of surveys on Ecobot, you'll notice different formatting on each survey name, as shown in the screenshot below.

Screenshot 2023-11-20 at 9.42.45 AM.png

    • Checked out - The survey is already checked it out on this device; no further action needed and you can open and edit the survey on this device.
    • Available - The survey is available to check out.
    • Locked - The survey is checked out somewhere else. To find out who's checked it out:
      • Click on the survey's name
      • Click on the  ellipsis ( ... ) in the upper right
      • The text in green will let you know who checked out the survey. After that person checks it in, you can check it out using the steps under Available above.

Check out a survey

  1. Click on the survey's name
  2. Click on the  ellipsis ( ... ) in the upper right
  3. Click Check Out Survey

Note: Only surveys created by your account (not one of your teammate's accounts) can be opened and edited on Collector. You can open surveys created by anyone on your team on Manager.

Check in a survey

  1. Click on the survey's name
  2. Click on the  ellipsis ( ... ) in the upper right
  3. Click 'Save Survey to Cloud'
  4. Click 'Check in Survey'

The survey will now be available to Check Out and edit from Manager, by you or your teammates.


Check In & Check Out on Ecobot Manager

Just as in the mobile app, surveys in your list will appear in one of three states, all of which are viewable:

      • Editing (Unlocked icon). You are actively editing. Newly created surveys will default to this setting until checked in.
      • Locked (Grayed-out survey name):  The survey is checked out somewhere else. Find out by who and on what device by selecting the survey and viewing the checkout status box on the right of the screen.
      •  Available (No icon): You can check the survey out by clicking on the survey name and navigating to the check in/out box at the right of the screen below the map toggles (see below).

Screenshot 2023-11-20 at 10.29.10 AM.png

  • Select a survey to see its Survey Details page. On the right of the screen, beneath the map toggles, you will see additional details about the survey and its editing status.

Screenshot 2023-11-20 at 10.22.36 AM.png

  • It will appear in one of these three states:



Data have been synced but the survey has not yet been "checked in" from another device. We tell you which user has checked out the survey, and on which device. The survey must be checked back in on that device in order to be un-locked.

You've got the green light, but are not yet editing.

You are actively editing.

Click 'Check In' or 'Check Out' to perform your desired action. Once the survey is Checked Out, you can begin editing. 


Locate Device Information for Checked Out Surveys in Ecobot Manager

If Surveys are checked out in your account and you want to check them back in but aren't sure where they are, you can view this information from Ecobot Manager.